v2022 Release Announcement
Crosslight is proud to announce new features & milestones for its upcoming v2022 release. In addition to multiple bug fixes and improvements, the following new feature/improvements were made:
- VCSEL model for multiple tunneling junctions has been improved so that more accurate optical output can be extracted from the simulation.
- Significant improvements in speed, accuracy, and ease of use for the microcavity FDFD model. This model is now recommended for complex VCSEL structures, including devices with multiple tunnel junctions.
- Hot carrier injection/trap generation model for thin film transistors.
- Updated AC models.
- New 3D mesh generation system.
This version will be released later this year, after final testing has been completed. Customers with an up-to-date maintenance contract can contact their local sales representatives if they wish to try these new features right away.
- Published in 2022 News, News & Events
Crosslight Best Project Award 2022
We are proud to announce the fourth annual winner of a collaboration with Assistant Professor Can Bayram of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As part of this collaboration, students worked with Crosslight TCAD tools in an academic setting and the best projects were selected for a prize.
Congratulations to the 2022 winners of this award:
- Jaekwon Lee for 2D Optical-Thermal-Electrical Simulation for High Wall Plug Efficiency Cubic GaN Green LED on Silicon
- Robert Kaufman for HgCdTe Long-Wave Infrared Photovoltaics for Directed Energy Applications
- Published in 2022 News, News & Events
New Full Vectorial VCSEL Presentation
A new presentation on our microcavity model has been added to our Laser Diodes application page.
- Published in 2022 News, News & Events
Pushing GaN Power Devices to the Limit – A Material and TCAD perspective
A copy of a talk given at the CASICON2021 conference by our CEO and founder, Dr. Simon Li, has been uploaded to our Miscellaneous Conferences page.
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
New Full Vectorial VCSEL Presentation
A new presentation on how to convert existing VCSEL input files from a scalar model to a full vectorial solution has been posted to our Laser Diodes application page.
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
v2021 Release Announcement
Crosslight is proud to announce new features & milestones for its upcoming v2021 release. In addition to multiple bug fixes and improvements, the following
new feature/improvements were made:
- LINUX platform release Process and Device simulation with improved GUI support
- Metal/semiconductor interface to support the same metal in contact with multiple regions of semiconductor
- Hot carrier injection model implemented using hydrodynamic TCAD simulation to support modeling of long term reliability related to hot carrier injection in transistors
- Hydrogen and other impurity diffusion common in TFT process
- Interface between LTSpice project files and mixed-mode TCAD simulation, so that it is convenient to start with a LTSpice simulation when adding circuit elements to TCAD simulation.
- Field-induced trap emission (Poole-Frenkel) model
- VCSEL/TMM model improved to handle tunnel juction cascade MQW VCSEL
- Special treatment minority carrier in wide bandgap materials enhanced to improve convergence
- Mesh-bending model improved to treat TFT-OLED with multiple cells
This version will be released later this year, after final testing has been completed. Customers with an up-to-date maintenance contract can contact their local sales representatives if they wish to try these new features right away.
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
New AMOLED/TFT Crosstalk Presentation
A new presentation on crosstalk and interference effects between thin film transistors and integrated AMOLED devices has been posted to our Misc. Microelectronics page.
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
New tutorial movie on VCSEL simulation
A new tutorial movie from Dr. Joachim Piprek of the NUSOD institute has been posted. It is an introduction to optoelectronic device simulation using PICS3D, with a particular focus on VCSEL modeling.
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
Crosslight Best Project Award 2021
We are proud to announce the fourth annual winner of a collaboration with Assistant Professor Can Bayram of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As part of this collaboration, students worked with Crosslight TCAD tools in an academic setting and the best projects were selected for a prize.
Congratulations to the 2021 winners of this award:
- Yu-Chieh Chiu for “Designing Efficient Micro Light Emitting Diodes for Display Applications”
- Jonah Messinger for “Harnessing Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation with ZnTe Gammavoltaic Devices and an LuI3 Scintillator Interface for Clean Firm Power Generation”
- Published in 2021 News, News & Events
New TFT Hot Carrier Injection Degradation Presentation
A new presentation on hot carrier injection degradation in thin film transistors has been posted to our Misc. Microelectronics page.
- Published in 2020 News, News & Events