Crosslight provides award-winning simulation software for modeling semiconductor devices/processes in an advanced technology computer aided design (TCAD) environment. With three device simulation software packages (APSYS, LASTIP and PICS3D) our device models cover a full range of devices from basic silicon MOSFET to more complex devices such as vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) and quantum cascade laser (QCL).
Crosslight also developed PROCOM, a 2D/3D simulator to model semiconductor growth by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), a technology commonly used to grouw compund semiconductors. For silicon and GaAs process simulation, Crosslight offers CSUPREM which builds on and improves the original SUPREM.IV GS code developed by the Integrated Circuits Laboratory at Stanford University. Among other extensions and enhancements, CSUPREM offers full 3D process simulation.
A brief overview of Crosslight’s capabilities and various optional modules can be found here.