2017 version finalized
Monday, 28 August 2017
Crosslight is pleased to announce v.2017 of the software has been finalized. This version will ship to customers in the coming weeks after further internal testing but users with an up-to-date maintenance contract my contact us for early access to this version.
Here are some of the improvements in this version:
- Vectorial electromagnetic wave mode solver for microcavity model, based on a frequency domain finite difference (FDFD) method. This model has been demonstrated for VCSELs and should enhance the functionality for complex structures with oxide confinement and surface relief features.
- Two-photon absortion model implemented for use in high-power diode lasers.
- New compact semiconductor material model to better account for experimental IQE and IV data in Diode/LED simulation. This model replaces the fully coupled non-linear Drift-Diffusion equations with a simplified linear solution of the Poisson equation, greatly speeding up the simulation and enhancing the convergence.
- Resonant cavity solar cell or PD with microcavity enhancements to the dipole moments and photon recycling.
- Additional material models to tackle divergence in thermal simulation. Especially useful for high power broad-area thermal simulation.
- Convenient external heat source definition enabled, greatly simplifying many types of thermal simulation.
- Perturbation numerical model in lateral mode eigen value problem. Improvement in speed and stability.
- Photon balance model for 3D simulations to rigourously enforce energy conservation. Available as alternative to the conventional round-trip gain solution method.
- Extra flexibility and better management of divergence stall, restart and continuation in non-linear Newton method.
- Resistive switching model suitable for RRAM application.
- Improvements in mesh generation and BPM initialization.
- Improvements in GUI, especially Semicrafter for complicated GDS input.
- Published in 2017 News, News & Events
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